Winter in Tasmania

 It's a bit of a quiet time in the veggie garden as July is winter in Australia.

This morning we woke up with -5 degrees (Celsius).

The vegies that are in the ground at the moment are garlic, lettuce, spinach, broccoli and silver beet.

The red currents, blue berries are asleep and we have a few small lemons on our lemon tree.

For Spring I also have a raised bed solely with bulbs: daffodils, grape hyacinths and tulips.

I have a bench in the middle of my fully enclosed (chicken wire) garden and it's lovely to sit down and relax and take it all in.


  1. That sounds like a wonderful place.
    Why is your veggie garden enclosed with chicken wire?

  2. To keep the brush tailed possum and Tasmanian padymelons' out


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