
garlic shouts

  I am so happy that  the garlic is finally  is showing  We planted 50 big bulbs  of the biggest  bulbs and now they are  a few centimeters above the soil I will take  about 7 month's  to get big enough 

Broccoli before and after the vsit of a possum


Poor little lemon tree

The Possums found a hole or made one and decided to nibble on my little tree I think    its closed now  fingers crossed

Little chicks to big Australorps and white Leghorns'


Save reppent

 I love bugs but not necessarily  slugs and snails  I don't want to use nasty chemicals  so I am happy to have found  a product  that is ok for the job  


 After my accident I lost a lot of mobility in my hands. Handwriting has been very difficult for me so having a DYMO label printer has been extremely helpful. I use this label printer to label my garden planters and for glass jars in the pantry. It helps keep things nice and neat so that both me and my family can read it. 

Compost Veggie Garden

My favourite addition to my veggie garden is my super easy to use compost tumbler, which has two compartments where you can store more or less compost. It also has a handle which has extra gears, so that turning the compost tumbler is easy for me no matter the weight. 

Winter in Tasmania

 It's a bit of a quiet time in the veggie garden as July is winter in Australia. This morning we woke up with -5 degrees (Celsius). The vegies that are in the ground at the moment are garlic, lettuce, spinach, broccoli and silver beet. The red currents, blue berries are asleep and we have a few small lemons on our lemon tree. For Spring I also have a raised bed solely with bulbs: daffodils, grape hyacinths and tulips. I have a bench in the middle of my fully enclosed (chicken wire) garden and it's lovely to sit down and relax and take it all in.